What is propolis?
Propolis is a sticky nutrient based on resin, which bees obtain from flower buds and trees. Bees collect this nutrient, process it and mix it with the secretions of the pharyngeal glands – the result is propolis. Bees use it to fill smaller unwanted holes in the hive. Propolis can vary in color from the variety of flowers and trees around the apiary. The color therefore depends on the composition of the plants and trees. The color is from yellow-brown to red-brown, but most often it is dark brown. At higher temperatures, propolis is sticky and at lower temperatures it solidifies.

Propolis and its composition
Contains: flavonoids, phenolic acids and their esters, fatty acid wax, 5% – 10% essential oils, 2% – 11% pollen, 17% – 30% beeswax, 10.5% tannins, 41.5% resin and balsamic substances, vitamin B1, provitamin A. The composition of propolis depends on the hive, the season and the area, ie in each hive, in each area and in each season, this composition changes.

Effects of propolis
- kills bacteria and stops their growth,
- destroys mushrooms and their growth
- suppresses inflammation,
- has antioxidant properties,
- acts against some poisons and toxins, supports liver function, the pancreas produces more insulin,
- antiviral effects,
- relieves pain
- heals wounds, eczema, warts, rashes and frostbite,
- treats inflammation of the colon,
- removes gallstones, stomach ulcers,
- treats liver inflammation,
- reduces flatulence,
- treats circulatory disorders, sclerosis, migraines, rheumatoid arthritis, periodontitis.

Propolis use
- all inflammations that cause fever – 3 drops a day 3 drops,
- women in transition – 10 drops once a day,
- prostatitis – a very effective drug, 3 drops a day in 30 dl of 1 dl of warm water,
- high blood pressure – 30 drops once a day until complete cure (best before bedtime),
- inflammation of the liver and kidneys – dilute 40 drops twice a day with 1 dl of warm water – take every other day until cured,
- sore throat, catarrh, sore throat – mix 40 drops with 2 dl of warm water, drink and rinse several times a day (drink on an empty stomach),
- for bruises and abrasions, curry eyes – moisten with cotton wool and apply to painful places at night. During the day we apply propolis ointment,
- as aftershave – cleanses, softens the skin and prevents inflammation – 15 drops in 1 dl of warm water, shaving injury – put 40-50 drops per 1 dl of warm water and wash the face with the solution,
- against streptococcal infections (wash the purulent area and treat with a compound of 2.5 dl of water and 30 drops of propolis tincture,
- in pulmonary tuberculosis, 30 drops of 5 tinctures and 1.25 l of water are inhaled over steam three times a day, or twice a day,
- gastric and duodenal ulcers – fasting 40 drops diluted in 100ml of warm milk on an empty stomach,
- for sobering up we give drunk – 1 dl of cold water with 50 drops of tincture,
- mold on the foot, curry eyes – paint the areas between the toes,
- stomach pain – dilute 50 drops with 100ml of warm water – the pain subsides quickly,
- in case of constipation – drink twice a day on an empty stomach 50 drops diluted in 1 dl of warm water. It is an excellent and effective medicine.
- toothache – soak cotton wool and apply it to the painful tooth, also a very effective remedy for festering gums,
- 1st degree burns – we burn burns several times a day, against the formation of blisters,
- effective in rheumatic diseases,
- for tumors 1x daily on an empty stomach 1 dl decoction of marigold with 15 drops of propolis tincture.